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Think Someone Might Be A Bad Hire? Spot It During The Interview

By March 12, 2020No Comments

Part of the interviewing process is knowing when you have the right candidate and when you don’t. One of the most critical things you can do for your organization is learning how to spot a bad hire – before they become a part of your team. Here are some of the most common signs that you can look for to determine whether they are going to be a good fit for your organization.

Only talking about themselves

This is a huge red flag and something that should signal to you that your potential hire is not going to work out. Of course, it is expected that your applicant talks about themselves – this is an interview, after all. However, if throughout the conversation, they don’t mention any other names, that might be a bad sign. 

Instead, look for an applicant that not only talks about themselves but also includes others in your answers. This might signal that a person is a team player, can pitch in on extra work, and helps teammates with deadlines.

Taking credit for everything good and nothing bad

These types of applicants will readily mention other colleagues – but only to paint them in a negative light. When there is something to take credit for, it is all about them. An interview is an excellent place for applicants to sell themselves and highlight their accomplishments. Nevertheless, if you hear a person speaking only about themselves in positive ways – all the while underhandedly complaining about former coworkers – this might be a bad sign.

Look for a person who can give you great examples of collaborative teamwork. Alternatively, ask about a time when another coworker did something very impressive. You will learn a lot about your applicant by the way the answer is formed. 

Unprofessional throughout the process

Random delays may occur, but if a person is consistently late to meetings or scheduled calls, there might be an issue. If a person answers questions about their personal life when you are asking about workplace accomplishments, there might be a reason to look for other candidates. When a person acts unprofessionally when they are nervous, there is a chance those habits are going to manifest in other places too. 

Take out the stress of finding the right candidate

FirstOption can help make the hiring process simple and stress-free – and keep people like this far from your interviews. When you are ready to find out just how easy it can be, contact us. We are here to help every step of the way. 

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